Westminster Place

This is the version of the Westminster Place Association by-laws usually given to new property owners. Do not confuse it with the Charter, as I did. The two are separate documents.

By-Laws of the Westminster Place Association

(As amended 24 February 1953, and as further amended 14 March 1957)

I. All persons residing on Westminster Place between Kingshighway and Lake Avenue in the City Of St. Louis, Missouri, shall be eligible for membership in this Association, and by vote of the Association, any other persons may be admitted to membership. Qualifications for eligibility shall be as determined by resolution of the Association.

II. The officers of this Association shall be a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, who shall be elected from among the members by a majority vote of those present at the annual meeting and shall serve for a term of one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. The president shall preside at all meetings when present, and in his absence, the vice-president shall preside. The secretary shall keep the records of the Association and keep minutes of its meetings and proceedings. The treasurer shall have the custody of all the funds and property of the Association except the Association's seal, the books and records, which shall be in the possession of the secretary. All moneys disbursed by the treasurer out of the funds of the Association shall be with the express approval of the president and pursuant to the general or special orders or authorizations of the Association. Any funds of the Association which are kept in a bank account shall be in the name of the Association as such, and shall be subject to withdrawal by checks signed by any two of the following three officers: president, vice-president, treasurer.

III. The annual meeting of this Association shall be held on the first Monday of December of each year at 8:00 P. M. Special meetings may be held at any time and place when called by the president or by any three members of the Association. Notice of special meetings shall be given in writing by mailing notice thereof by first-class United States mail addressed to the address of the member as shown on the records of the Association. Ten days notice shall be given to the members of the annual and of all special meetings of the Association.

      The call and notice of any special meeting shall state its purpose and no other business than that stated therein shall be transacted at such special meeting.

IV. At any meeting, ten (10) members, representing ten (10) or more parcels of property lying within the Association's confines, shall constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of a majority of those present at any meeting shall be necessary and sufficient to carry any motion, but the affirmative vote of at least ten (10) members shall be necessary in any event to carry any motion. On any matter requiring a vote, only one vote shall be cast for each parcel of ground represented by the members. The vote may be cast either by the owner or by the representative of the owner.

V. The dues of this Association shall be such amount as may be fixed by resolution of the Association from time to time.

VI. These by-laws may be amended at any annual or special meeting by a majority of those present, not less than ten (10) affirmative votes being sufficient therefor.

VII. This corporation shall have a seal which shall be circular in form and shall bear the words - "Westminster Place Association, St. Louis, Mo. 1938."

[Retyped from a printed copy given to a buyer in 1970. In the event of any discrepancy between this document and the original, the original will govern.]

Summary: The Association's function is primarily social and its by-laws are separate from, and in some cases in conflict with, the Deed of Restrictions. The by-laws are not attached to the property deeds.